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I am afraid of sex – sex help tips for men

This is the sentence in many of young men, who are fantasized with the idea of sex, who would read here and there some matter related to sex, and feel confidant about it by means of masturbation and by being attracted to the opposite sex. But still a small hitch lies deep within their hearts.. “Frightened of sex”.”how it might turn out during actual scene?” “How she will react to my moves?” “Whether she will be happy with me?” “Whether I will be happy with her?” are some of the questions that haunt some men during adolescent period and in some cases, even at later stages. So, here are some of the sex help tips to get over this fear of sex.

1. Get the facts correct about sex by reading some good books. (or contact me for any doubts to be cleared) Pornography is OK but does not help much. Because what it is shown there is not fully real. Normal act of sex can not be compared with that.

2. Check for smooth retraction of prepuse over glans penis. ( retraction of the skin flap over the tip part of the penis.) If it is not smooth, or if you are feeling pain during retraction, or if the retracted prepuse is getting struck there, then practice to retract it quite regularly. If you are unable to, or have some doubts, better to discuss this with your doctor once and get the issue resolved.

4. Get your lady into your confidence. Sex is not a man’s exhibition of his power and capability in front of woman. It is an act of mutual love and honesty. So, share your inhibitions, and I am sure, she will also be more than happy to accept you as you are.

5. It is OK to fail at the first attempt. There is always next chance and room for improvement.

6. Stop worrying about sex fears and feel free. If you have any doubts, get that cleared and feel confidant. Remember fear begets fear. Negative thinking is no good.

Consult Dr JV Hebbar

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