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Sex Tips – How To Get Rid Of Sexual Thoughts

Sexual thoughts come naturally to everybody. But sometimes the timing of these sexual thoughts and the frequency with which they haunt you everyday may leave you restless. Here are a few tips to help you get rid of sexual thoughts. 

How to Get Rid Of Sexual Thoughts – 

Accept the fact – You are getting these sexual thoughts because you are a normal and healthy human being. If you were having some mental problems or if you were having any illness, you might not get any sexual thoughts at all. So getting them is a sign of health. Accept this fact first.

Stop feeling guilty about sex: 

Sex is a natural biological phenomenon. Any creature on this earth has to indulge in sex for its survival. Sexual thoughts are a natural way in which body and mind is getting prepared for sexual act in future. Hence if you are getting sexual thoughts, you are not committing a sin. Stop feeling guilty about it and just chill.

Proper knowledge – 

Right knowledge about sex thoughts is very important. Get to know the difference between Normal and obsessive sexual thoughts.

If you think you are getting normal sexual thoughts, then there is nothing to worry. But if you think your sexual thoughts are obsessive in nature, then try the following tips –

Respect yourself – Even if you are getting uncontrolled sex thought, there is nothing to worry. Everything can be corrected. But you need to start respecting yourself. Whenever you get such thoughts, stop blaming yourself or blaming your life.

Make sure sexual thoughts are harmless – Whenever you have sexual thoughts, make sure not to act on them. Just come out of your room to an open place or stay away from your object of your sex thought (for example your girl friend in case of men, and boy friend in case of women).

Stop watching porn – You are already engulfed in sex thoughts and over that you are watching porn means, you are not helping yourself. Get a strong mind control and stop watching porn. It will only worsen your problems.

Go and meet people – Most of the times, excessive sexual thoughts is accompanied with fear to go outside and mingle with people around you. Conversely, talking to people and mingling with them will keep you in real world and help you get rid of sex thoughts.

Do not restrict yourself to your room – If you do not get anybody to engage with, when you are getting those obsessive thoughts, at least come out of your room and have some fresh air outside. More you see the real world around you, more chances that you will not dwelve in those thoughts.

Exercise –  Gym / yoga / jogging / walking / outdoor games – anything that you like, just stick on to it. A good physical health will boost your self confidence and brings about mental balance.

Jogging early in the morning is a good way of self analysis and planning the day better.

Pranayama – Pranayama helps to gain control over your breathing pattern and in turn helps to control mind. Learn how to do a simple pranayama

Meditation  – Meditation helps you to concentrate on things that are important in your life.  It helps you to streamline your energy for the goals of your life. Spirituality is the way forward for you. Embrace it.

Pray for mental strength and you will definitely win.

Good books – Good spiritual books, spiritual magazines, self help books, and biographies of people whom you admire the most – like Steve Jobs, Swamy Vivekananda etc. Collect them and start spending at least one hour per day.

Have a goal in life – Determine where you want to see yourself in another 5 years, 10 years and so on. Start working towards your goals. let these sexual thoughts be there at one side, while you run towards your aim.

Have a disciplined lifestyle

  • Get up early in the morning, do some exercise or jogging, bath, pranayama, meditation, reading, breakfast, work  / college.
  • Before going to bed, plan your next day.
  • Always use alarm clocks.
  • Fix a time for everything, even for smaller things like watching tv, facebooking etc. Do not do anything which is not in your plans.

Strict lifestyle helps you learn self discipline. Get rid of laziness.

Avoid certain foods

Avoiding junk food, aerated drinks, onion, garlic, excess sweets, non veg, egg and oily food for a while helps you to control sex thoughts. As per Indian belief system, these types of food are Tamasik in nature. I am not saying to avoid them totally, but avoid temporarily till you gain a good hold of your life.

Avoid excess of alcohol and smoking.

Keep your room in order – Cleaning and keeping your room in order keeps you engaged with work. Apart from it, a clean surrounding begets clean mind.

Concentrate on nutritious food – Healthy nutritious food along with exercise helps to have a good physical and mental health.

Ayurvedic medicine – There are good Ayurvedic medicines to control excess sex thoughts. Consider meeting your Ayurvedic doctor.

Consult Dr JV Hebbar

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